A snapshot of the latest arrival stats

As international travellers continue to stream back, in this short post we take a look at the latest arrival stats.


Auckland airport arrivals

Arrivals into Auckland airport continue to climb steadily, with almost 240k arrivals in total across September, 58% of pre-covid levels. 

Positively, from a tourism perspective, the level of arrivals have overtaken departures which is a reversal from the last time we looked at these numbers in July when we saw a net outflux of travellers from New Zealand. Interestingly, August saw a slight dip in departures from July but this has picked up again in September. 

There has been a slowdown in the numbers of Kiwis leaving the country as the chart below shows. Compared to May, June and July, where there was a large net deficit in New Zealand arrivals, the gap over last couple months has closed significantly. 


Country of origin

Australia continues to dominate arrivals into New Zealand but through August we saw large increases arrivals from a number of countries including Singapore, Canada, Malaysia and Samoa. This has been coupled with declines in arrivals from the Cook Islands, Hong Kong and South Korea. 


Flight capacity​

There has been a slight drop in flight capacity since the last blog post in August, where we were on track to be at -3% for North America, falling to -12%. At a total level we have dropped from -22% to -27%. 

For more stats, check out MBIE's Tourism Recovery Dashboard.

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