Hamurana Springs Nature Reserve

Māori Culture

Discover the beauty of Hamurana Springs at your own pace or be guided by a descendant of the Ngāti Rangiwewehi people who first migrated to the area in the mid 1300’s. Enjoy the stunning natural elements and cultural stories that make this such a magical place.

Hamurana is famous for its beautiful, crystal-clear, freshwater spring - one of the deepest in the North Island. The water, once above ground, flows into Lake Rotorua. Part of the Hamurana Recreation Reserve was once a pa site (village) and home to Ngāti Rangiwewehi who still live in the area and are a partner in management of the reserve. The waters of the springs are a wildlife sanctuary and play host to many bird species, including scaup and the endangered dabchick. The springs are a major source of water supply for the Hamurana and Ngongotaha areas.

This 800m track is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. An easy, streamside walk through a redwood grove with beautiful views throughout and extensive interpretation along the way. The Yns Fraser walkway provides an alternate route to the head of the springs. You can see the source of the Hamurana Springs’ crystal-clear water from a viewing platform just before you make a choice to either return on the same track or cross the footbridges, walking along the gravel track to the car park to make a circuit.

Hamurana Springs can be found on the northern shores of Lake Rotorua alongside Hamurana Road. For more walks around Rotorua check out 10 wonderful walks in Rotorua.

How to find us?

773 Hamurana Road, Rotorua