Rotorua Insights Dashboard
Making insights and data available to Rotorua businesses
We understand the importance of data, research and insights in helping Rotorua businesses make better, more informed decisions. Too often though, businesses don’t know what data is available, where to look, or are overwhelmed by complex data and visuals. To make this a little bit easier, we have created a simple interactive dashboard that enables businesses to access key data themselves.
What is it?
A dashboard that provides a forward view of accommodation demand, pricing information and future events in Rotorua. We’ll be adding to this in in the coming months with a range of other data sources. This will include visitation numbers, spend, profiling and much more. Watch this space!
Who is this for?
Whether you’re a tourism operator, accommodation provider, hospitality manager or have any other role that works close to tourism, this data will likely be of benefit to you. With the addition of other data sources, a wide range of other businesses will find this dashboard useful.
Why should I use it?
Having access to forward-looking accommodation and events data enables you to plan your business activities, schedule better staffing rosters, assess sales opportunities or be more targeted in your marketing. There will be a range of other uses too when the other data is added in.
How do I use it?
It’s real simple. You can navigate through the pages by selecting the different buttons down the side or at the top. If you want a specific date period, change the date range using the slider bar in the top right and see the charts change to reflect this.
On every page, you can click the ‘i’ symbol in the top right hand corner to see more information about what you are seeing.
Feedback, feedback, feedback
We want to hear your feedback. The good, the bad, the confusing. We’d also love to hear what other data you’d like to see available here. Please tell us so that we can make improvements. Email