Enabling better understanding of visitor days
Knowing how many visitor days are spent in Rotorua and the seasonal variations of peaks and troughs throughout the year is important to businesses targeting their product offering and managing their staff scheduling.
These two visitor days dashboards below use data sourced from mobile cell phones polling off cell towers.
If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us at insights@rotoruanz.com
Rotorua Visitor Days Dashboard
Data source: DataVentures, Tourism NZ Visitor and Local Population Estimates (VLPE)
- This Rotorua specific dashboard segments data based on visitor origin and reports the volume of visitor days for a given time period.
- Also included in this dashboard is a market share calculator to enable Rotorua businesses to calculate their market share.
- Click on the page tabs directly below this line to move between dashboard pages and then click the drop down arrows in blue boxes to make user selections.
Average Daily Visitor Population Dashboard
Data source: DataVentures, Tourism NZ Visitor and Local Population Estimates (VLPE)
- This dashboard segments data based on visitor origin and reports the average daily visitor population for a given time period.
- The advantage of this 'average daily visitor population' dashboard over the 'visitor days' dashboard above is the availability of data for each of the Regional Tourism Organisations (RTO), which enables the user selected RTO to be benchmarked against the national performance and ranked on a leaderboard.
- This dashboard is not available for public use, however a snapshot of a recent time period is presented below and will be periodically updated.